More managers than required.

posted by nma on Saturday, December 11, 2010

In kuwait, there are more managers (some of them with wasta and power, some without experience some with both) and administration staff in a given company than the workers themselves...

Don't most u think ... the designation manager is so emerged to manage the people under himself, actively participate himself with the subordinate activities to acknowledge actual facts and realities so that the same manager can delivery the realities to higher management...

but guess in Kuwait.. manager (not all) by definition are suppose to be laid back and drop their part of responsibility on the subordinate and extract the output to produce packed feedback to the management...
s to the companies are for subordinates..

see in some companies, manage take active part in growing the company as they are involved partically with the subordinate to get the outcome...not drop the onus on them and enjoy the benefits of being manager.. and end of the day get the outcome..

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