How much wealth we need to retire at 40..?

posted by GD on Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I'm at the age of 40 now. I have two boys and a daughter; all aged less than ten years. I'm from Kerala. I have a house. And I have 2.5 CR bank FD too. No other things like land, shops, rentals or any other incomes too..

I'm planning to retire from this 9.00am – 6.00pm duty schedules. And I'm fed up with this gulf life too. And started health problems too.. It is been long 17 years in Kuwait.

My question is Can I live my rest of life with only the bank interest from my 2.5 CR fixed deposit amount from bank. Or how much of wealth should I have to lead a comfortable life for the next at least 25-30 years? What are some suggestions from experts..??

Kindly answer seriously.


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