Smarter People

posted by Geo on Wednesday, March 15, 2017

As I am moving out to a new flat I was planning to sell my current apartment with household items. So I advertised the details in IIK couple of days ago. Many of our Indian guys called me and asked about it. I could manage to fix the thing with one guy yesterday. I went to the Harris and informed him about the details and I was shocked to hear that the apartment is already sold and the agreement has been made.
I recalled my memory and I came to a conclusion that, one guy called me to ask about the apartment details and the area. I thought he was in need of my apartment with household items. And he came directly to the Harris and fixed the agreement. I felt very uncomfortable with cheating, he has been made to me. I don’t know who the person is nor did Harris give me his details. So please friend, there are smarter people among us than we think
NB. I am in a good relation with the Harris so far.

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