Indian mentality of buying junk

posted by Francis D'souza on Thursday, February 9, 2017

So many advertisemnts in IIK classifieds for selling furniture.

We indians back in india will not buy a plastic stool but come tokutwait and try to show off buying unwanted junk
And they relaize it when they want to go for good. No body nowadays is ready to buy the junk.

And the advertisemnt also if you notice. For e.g. Brought the sofa for KD 150. Used for only 2 months.
Now selling for Kd 120.

They don’t relaize who wants to pay KD 120 and buy the old one. Netter add 10 or 20 and buy new one.

And the best part is that half of the furntiure will be so bad still the greedy and stupid justificatio.

Some advertisement you can see not negotiable. As if their fathers propoerty.

And with in 1 month they will come to ¼ of the pice and still it advertisiemnt will be going on to sell.

I personally know a person. Was using a 25 year old car but asking 700 kd for it. My friend bargained for KD 250 but he did not
Even have the coutesy to give it because after 4 days he left the country for good. This car was lying for 2 years on the roadside and atlast some scrap delaer towed it away.

This is our Indian mentality. Greed of money. Wont think atleast I am getting this let someone be beneifted. They are ready to let it rot but wont give it at a rate.

I know no use writing this. But atleast people who have gone thru this and who reads my topic will slowly understand as majoirty of the category of our people
Fallin to this criteria.

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