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sets out on Dubai adventure to unravel secrets

IANS Tuesday, March 19, 2019
sets out on Dubai adventure to unravel secrets

In an Indiana Jones style promotional campaign for Dubai Tourism, its ambassador and Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan is seen performing death defying stunts to unravel mysteries.

SRK features in a series of videos that are part of Dubai Tourism's #BeMyGuest campaign. It consists of a series of films across social media and online platforms, highlighting iconic locations and sites in the Middle Eastern city.

The third video launched on Monday starts off with the "Chennai Express" star reading a riddle: " In the jewel of the ocean, they fall from the sky." The subtitle quotes Shah Rukh saying: "I need to solve some clues."

He then jets off on an exciting adventure, exploring and solving riddles till he reaches his destination La Perle, an acrobat show.

The video ends with Shah Rukh narrating to his friend the mystery he solved, which would lead to the next one.

Throughout the video, Shah Rukh reaches out to his fans across the world, seeking their help in solving the riddles, and inviting them to find what other fantastic experiences await them in Dubai.

The 53-year-old star tweeted the minute-long video on his twitter handle: "Three coins, one old box and tons of clues to solve. Wonder what my next challenge will be?" is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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