One more Burnol moment

posted by Laxminarayan Gopal on Sunday, December 24, 2017

BJP won the Gujarat Elections.

But look at the election voting results.

BJP has won 16 assembly seats in Gujarat election this time with less than 3,000 margin. It won the Godhra seat by a margin of 258 votes, Dholka seat by a margin of 327 votes, Botad 906 votes and so on.

To be fair in many places the Congress also won by very slim margins.

So what does it all mean to our Hindutvan friends and why did I prescribe Burnol for them?

This election was not a walk over for the Nagpur controlled party. The Congress gave them a terrific fight on their own home-ground, the roosting turf of their great leader. The win was a win but a pathetic - not impressive - win.

Think about that Hindutvans and worry about the next few elections as the opponents of the ruling party steadily gain ground. Cheers to many sleepless nights for the BJP and its supporters.

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