Tax Residency Certificate Procedure

posted by Jose G. on Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Procedure for Tax Residency Certificate:-
1. Go to Ministry Complex – Financial Dept. Block 13, 1st Floor
2. Ask for Tax Residency Certificate section
3. You will get some forms to be filled
a. Certificate of Residency Application (Foreign Residents)
b. A personal details form where you fill your details again, including email id.
c. A Declaration form
4. Prepare the following papers for submittal
a. A simple cover letter by you with details as in the Application instruction
b. Filled application forms
c. Exit-Entry report - you must be resident in Kuwait for at least 183 days to get TRC
d. Copy of Civil ID
e. Copy of Passport, with Residency page
f. Copy of Work Permit (shoon paper showing salary)

5. Submit all these papers to Ministry Complex Financial Dept., Block 12, Registration counter, 1st floor.
6. The counter staff will check the papers and date stamp your covering letter.
7. After a few days, you can call to find out if the TRC is ready.
8. If ready, collect your TRC from Block 13 (same place where you collected the forms)
9. It will be signed and stamped by the Undersecretary, Ministry of Finance
10. Take the TRC to Block 12, 1st Floor, the glass counter before Registration counter, and they will date-stamp this TRC along with a Reference Number.
11. That’s it, your TRC is valid for the Financial Year, eg. from 01-April-2017 to 31-Mar-2018.

Exit-Entry report:-
1) Go to the Office of the Asst. Undersecretary for Ports Security Affairs near the airport (Bldg. opp VIP terminal, with a metal communication tower)
2) Walk thru the gate to the General Department of Airport Security building – Service Department for Finance & Administrative & Maintenance Operations Department.
3) Take stairs to 1st floor Operation Services
4) There is a C-Type counter on the left with some officers, they open at 8am.
5) Hand over your Civil ID to the counter staff
6) They will print the Exit-Entry report for you for the past one year / specific period if requested.

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