Subversion of independent institutions in India

posted by Laxminarayan Gopal on Saturday, January 13, 2018

Four top judges of the Supreme Court have revolted against the Chief Justice of India alleging serious infirmities and irregularities in administration and assigning of cases for hearing to benches in the SC. It is clear what is happening - since the BJP came to power every independent institution in India is getting compromised. We have seen how Raghuram Rajan was effectively made to resign. We have seen the questionable decisions of the CEC in the Gujarat elections which all favored the ruling party. An now we are hearing that the Judiciary - the highest pillar of justice and independence in our country - is alleged to have indulged in decisions that are reported to be questionable.

While the real problems in India (poverty, disease, illiteracy) are swept under the carpet the roots of our democratic institutions are being steadily damaged and eroded so that a communal divisive self serving party can cling to power and enrich the crooked business communities that support it with huge donations.

God save India!

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