Dish TV Jamming Cable TV gang BUSY in Salmiya Block 10 - BEWARE!!!

posted by Darshit on Saturday, November 3, 2018

A cable TV gang is busy in Block 10 of Salmiya trying to increase their customers. Their strategy is simple. Mostly they are targeting buildings where Indians are staying. If the residents are having Indian Dish TV connections, then they just use jammers to disrupt their signals.

This goes on for a month or two and then slowly a cable tv gang member approaches the building people and "offers" to provide them cable tv connection to solve their problems! A small bribe to the building haris or to a cooperative building resident usually makes the job easy.

Residents in Salmiya are requested to inform the authorities about this cable gang and provide them information on location of jammers, as the Police are looking out for these as Cable TV connections are illegal in Kuwait.

They spread false news that Dish TV is also illegal in Kuwait. While DishTV is not legally available in Kuwait, the government has not yet banned it here. So it is a grey area and if you have a Dish TV connection, you are still paying money to Dish TV. But Cable TV operators are STEALING signals from Dish TV and OSN and providing them to illegally to residents - doing business for which they have no license and no legal permission. This is illegal in Kuwait and Police regularly catch these crooks and deport them. So dont be afraid to report these thieves and end this menace once and for all.

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