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2020 in a Nutshell

Krithika Karthikeyan Thursday, December 31, 2020
2020 in a Nutshell

2020’s not been such a great year,

From the first month, it’s held everyone captive with fear,

It’s had people die, leaders lie, and as a bonus we had a virus,

Sorta like Midas, whatever we touch, it wasn’t going to hide us

Let’s try and start with the first month of 2020,

New Year’s party on January, we all lit up the city,

Then on the third day of the year, World War III, we saw loads,

“Oh my gods, The States and Korea are on each other’s throats!”

Australia’s burning, millions of deaths,

Forest fires continue to wreck,

On the last day of December, COVID-19 was first reported,

On Jan, the WHO associates were locked and loaded

“This isn’t a normal virus” WHO told the public,

“It’s a pneumonic disease, it came from Wuhan, the first got terribly sick!”,

Here’s a shocker, the public didn’t mind the virus until the first one died,

Petrified, we stopped communications with anyone from outside

In Jan, we lost a treasured basketball player and his daughter,

Mourning from all over the world got louder, Kobe’s wife was a fighter,

Australia’s fires were still not gone, on the other hand

As for the virus? Welp, it didn’t let us step on land

“This year is cursed”, people started telling me,

I didn’t believe it, judging the year on January seemed like anarchy,

I waited and I averaged on the second month of the year,

Nuclear, this month was worse than January, I fear

The Academy Awards are held, finally Joaquin Phoenix wins Best Actor,

But before I can let that sink in, the first case of racism makes the glass shatter,

A black man who did nothing wrong was killed by a father and his son,

Horrified and scared, the world protested against this sudden and drastic turn

Not sudden, no, this has been happening for years,

The minority has always had to live in their uncertainty and fears,

But 2020 really showed us that the world needed changing,

For the next case that followed in May had the public deranging

But let’s put that away, for we’ve reached the end of these 29 days,

Nothing big happened in the world, but the exception was Kuwait,

For the first confirmed case of COVID landed from Iraq, it gets worse,

Our school gets shut and exams thrown, is that a blessing or a curse?

Hmm, I’m going to go with curse, probably,

It’s cost us lives and a lot of hesitation indefinitely,

Kuwait controlled the virus, but the span of months was long,

Oh, you thought it would go? Sorry, you thought wrong

Let’s get into March, now, for some interesting things happen here,

WHO declares the Coronavirus as a pandemic, yay, more fear,

The world loses its mind and no one gives the virus a thanks,

“Virus, you wanted peace? You shouldn’t have messed with Tom Hanks!”

Another BLM protest takes to the road,

For another Black woman is shot dead in her home,

Mid-March saw the worldwide death toll pass ten k,

As the Brits fuss over their president who’s not feeling ok

He tests positive for the virus and is hospitalized in the start of April,

And president Trump cuts the fund for WHO and shocks more people,

As for us, we were faced with the start of MS Teams classes,

While we were praying this academic year just………passes

April goes on like that and we’re launched into May,

Where the BLM protesters had quite a lot to do and say,

The death of George Floyd broke millions of hearts in the nation,

As everyone with a voice demanded a form of vindication

Peaceful protestors were harmed, rallies were disrupted,

In the face of BLM, quite a lot of people erupted

We heard cries for justice from a lot of the public,

Everyone knew but was afraid- the situation was horrific

June, July and August was traumatic, no doubt,

We had our summer vacations, drained of all their joy as we couldn’t go out

My birthday was on June the 6th, I didn’t feel the day neither the family coverage,

I wanted to take my friends to WW84, that plan fell into the garbage

August, I came to India, and that’s where I am even now,

I’m still surviving the drastic shift, don’t ask me how,

September to December, Teams classes didn’t let me breathe,

Now that it’s our holiday, I’m actually kind of relieved

My topic this week is the lesson 2020 taught me,

The lesson I learnt was never to cook bats, then I didn’t see,

That no matter how weird this year was, it’s taught me a lot of things nice,

Things I would have never learnt otherwise

It’s taught me about hope, love and equality,

It’s taught me to never be prepared or to think I’m ready,

Because that’s the place I was at the start of the year,

Now here, living my life in fear, is nowhere near

But it’s also told me, “Be confident where you have to”

“Because the life you have, you won’t get a Round 2”,

I’ve learnt that unpredictability is what makes life so beautiful,

And blaming that phenomenon for our failure is nothing but harmful

2020 has shown me a new side to life, a side I didn’t know existed,

It’s introduced me to this amazing group of writers who know how to nail it,

It’s introduced me to so many new inspirational figures in and out of our motherland,

And I try to hate this year, I really do, but I can’t

Now, coming to the resolution part,

I’m one of those people who doesn’t know how to make them last,

The past years I’ve tried and shunned away from making any promises,

But this year, I think it’s an exception, it’s one of 2020’s magic miracles

This year I’ve learnt about a lot of new people and I’ve been inspired,

But I’ve also learnt about people who go to lengths to get their desires,

I’ve learnt about people who don’t give others the basic respect they deserve,

People who have no intention or sympathy, people who don’t get there’s a person they have to serve

My resolution is to try and be more empathetic,

For entitled and cumbersome people are just…....pathetic,

I have to try and understand what the other person feels,

And alter my speech and thoughts according to their needs

I have to make sure I’m not making anyone feel insecure,

And I know that sounds like a brag, but I’ve been in those shoes before,

And if I can take my resolution beyond the last week of January,

Well, then, I’ll honestly be very happy

So those are my thoughts on our final 2020 week,

I know my rhymes are sort of weak, not unique

But hey, give me a break, I’m not seventh-grade Eminem,

Just someone trying to be nice here and reach out to my new friends

Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

And I’m tired of finding rhymes,


Krithika Karthikeyan
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Express your comment on this article

Sunday, January 3, 2021
Its a well written article but why spoil it by replacing ''Zero'' with emoticon of Poop....thats unnecessary

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