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Why Feminism ?

Anamika Karthik Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Why Feminism ?

When you hear the word “Feminist” what do you imagine? A horde of angry ladies in their Middle Ages going around spreading the word about how men shouldn’t be allowed to have a say in anything and are malicious people who are out to oppress women forever? Well, if that’s what you expect, it is wrong! Feminism is just a term which refers to the idea of gender equality that is one of the prime needs in the world right now.

Recalling that since centuries, most of the society has been following a patriarchal design where women were limited to domestic work due to which they hadn't been able to explore their talents and interests to pursue their dreams in the world outside. Nevertheless, it is rather pleasing and refreshing to see that today, most women are given the freedom to get creative and seek their goals. But that’s where feminism comes in! We know that even right now, many atrocities are being enacted against women all over the world even if there are laws prohibiting it. Even though ladies are respected by most people nowadays we see that even in official areas women are being exploited without giving it a second thought. The wage gap is one of the most famous examples of this phenomenon.

Now to answer the question “Why should I choose feminism? And if I do, what can I achieve?”. First, picture a world where there still exists misogyny, just reversed. A place where only women are considered worthy of receiving any dignity and recognition for their works while men are considered subordinates of sorts. How crazy would that be! Then how is it okay subjecting women to the same fate here? This is why equality for everyone is a need in the modern age. Not just because you also have mothers, sisters, wives and daughters but because women are also humans! We deserve the same treatment as men. Secondly, when you take up the role of a feminist, it's really not that much of labour you can do it sitting at home too in fact, because all you need to do will be supporting girls, considering them capable of anything and most of all, letting them be independent both financially and morally just like you would for your boys.

You may be familiar with Marie Sklodowska Curie for her works on discovering Radium and Polonium along with her husband Pierre Curie, but did you know that the first time she was awarded the Nobel prize her role in their research was overlooked and only Pierre was nominated. Even despite the harsh sexism of the time Pierre resented this decision and stood up for Marie by contacting the committee and requesting the acknowledgment of her vital role in their works. This was back in 1902! And it is a huge inspiration to all of us today to stand up for what is right, not what is accepted. The next step would be to teach the upcoming generation the same values that girls are neither fragile, innocent little flowers to be enclosed safely in a box nor boys tough and brave warriors who have to be “manly”. Tell kids to respect people as a whole and not “be nice to girls” because that makes a mindset that the genders are to be differentiated between. Tell girls to never be afraid to speak up and fight for themselves when time calls and to come up stronger than before if someone tries to put you down.

As the famed actress, Helen Mirren once said “I have come to understand that feminism is not an abstract idea but it's a necessity”. We all must understand the need for equal treatment of people regardless of their sex. I believe that once this motive is accomplished by us, Humankind will flourish much more abundantly than ever before.

“In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can’’. Hence, I would like to encourage all of you - men and women, alike - to take a step ahead without hesitation toward this noble cause and become, A Feminist.

Anamika Karthik
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Anamika Karthik
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