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My Favourite Teacher: The Guiding Star of My School Years

Sameera Nisar, IIK Young Contributor Monday, September 4, 2023
My Favourite Teacher: The Guiding Star of My School Years

Every once in a while, life introduces us to a special person who leaves an indelible impression on our hearts. For me, that person is none other than Mrs. Aisha, my 7th-grade English teacher at Carmel School.

The first day I entered her class, I was a quite blank. The unfamiliar surroundings and faces made my heart race. But amidst the sea of uncertainty, there she was, with a warm smile and open arms, welcoming every student as if we were her own children.

Mrs. Aisha had a magical way of making lessons come alive. Shakespeare wasn’t just words on a page; it was a world filled with romance, betrayal, and adventure. Poetry wasn't just rhymes and verses; it was the window to one's soul. With every lesson, she instilled in us a love for the language and the power it holds.

But beyond the lessons, what made Mrs. Aisha truly special was her ability to connect with each student. I remember the time I was struggling with a personal issue. My grades were slipping, and I felt lost. Instead of reprimanding me, she took me aside, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. She became my confidante, guiding me through my troubles and helping me find my way.

It was during those tough times that I realized Mrs. Aisha was not just a teacher; she was a mentor, a guide, and most importantly, a friend. She taught me that it’s okay to be vulnerable, to seek help when needed, and to always believe in myself.

Today, as I pen down my memories, I'm filled with gratitude. For the lessons, for the guidance, and for the endless support. Mrs. Aisha, you are more than just a teacher to me. You are a beacon of light in my journey, and guiding me through the storms and into the sunshine.

To every student out there, cherish the teachers who see beyond the grades and touch your soul. For they are the ones who shape not just your academic journey, but your life.

Thank you, Mrs. Aisha, for being my favourite teacher and for being a part of my story. I will carry your lessons with me, not just in my books, but deep within my heart.

Sameera Nisar
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