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Merry Christmas

Noel Sajan Monday, December 25, 2023
Merry Christmas

The joy and happiness which I get when Christmas is near is truly speechless because when I was small, I often was very excited to celebrate this festival and wait for the day when I would go to the church wearing a colorful dress of colors red, white and green. These days Me and my brother repeatedly disturb my parents to decorate the house with a Christmas tree fast. While preparing a Christmas tree and decorating your house the joy which you experience is wonderful.

Christmas is a well known festival that is celebrated on 25th of December.

This festival is mainly celebrated by the Christians as they believe Jesus Christ as their Messiah. But today, almost everyone will be celebrating Christmas with great enthusiasm. During Christmas, the schools will be closed for 10 to 12 days and everyone will invite their relatives and friends to celebrate this festival together.

When I was in class 1, I went to India to celebrate Christmas with my grandmother and other relatives. That was my best Christmas and I still remember that day when me, my brother and sister were wearing red and white dress and went for a carol in church. The bright lights, a big Christmas tree and many more different types of decorations were outside every house. On Christmas day, many children wait for Santa Claus as they think Santa Claus will bring gifts for them. This vogue of Santa Claus bringing gifts for kids is often believed by me also when I was small. How many times have you thought as a child that Santa Claus will come and give gifts to you on Christmas? I’m sure you might have at least once or twice.

Market shops and showrooms display a theme of glittering red and white colors to set up the Christmas mood. People go to markets and shops to buy Christmas trees and to buy decorated items like colorful balls, ribbons, and red socks.

Almost everyone likes songs based on Christmas. During Christmas, we sing cheerful songs called carols to spread joy and happiness. Those Christmas songs will change your mood and while hearing it you will get peace and happiness.

During the pandemic, people couldn't celebrate Christmas with their family and friends. But that time, we decorated our house and prepared a Christmas tree. In that time we also prepared homemade traditional plum cakes, cupcakes, pies, and muffins, which are the special treats on Christmas. Kids were gifted with lots of presents and new dresses. Because of the pandemic, people understood the importance of giving and sharing with friends and family. This festival is celebrated by Indians in their own beautiful ways and the traditions change in every region of the country.

The essence of the festivals unites family and friends so much. Festivals have a great importance in our life. Each festival has its own significance and value. According to me, we should celebrate Christmas or any other festivals with happiness and unity among families and communities. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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