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ISEK organized Parent Orientation

Sunday, April 7, 2024
ISEK organized Parent Orientation

The Indian School of Excellence, Kuwait organized a parent orientation on March 27, 2024, to familiarize parents with the school's guidelines, and resources, Digital Learning Suit (DLS)and to encourage their active involvement in their children’s educational journey.

Mrs. Sherly Dennis, Director of Indian School of Excellence, warmly welcomed parents and emphasized their crucial role in their ward’s lives. She emphasized the significance of effective communication in parenting, stressing the avoidance of excessive use of gadgets and instead focusing on instilling positive habits in children. Additionally, she highlighted the school's philosophy and how it guides the nurturing of the students in accordance with its principles. She emphasised key initiatives aimed at fostering critical thinking and creativity among our students, ensuring they are well-prepared for future.

Mrs. Bismitha Shamsudeen, Vice Principal, discussed a comprehensive academic summary. She elaborated on the school’s educational goals, emphasizing the importance of holistic development. Mrs.Cleeva Gonsalves, KG supervisor, shared general instructions for KG parents. The orientation provided valuable insights into the school's offerings and support systems. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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