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Anakha Vinod, IIK Young Contributor Wednesday, July 20, 2016

We all have different ambitions in our life. Most of them may not reach that height. I strongly believe that when we hard work for it, of course we will win!! Surely we will reach what we want to be. The best example is are our ancestors or the ancient India.

Their hard work and struggle, their blood and soul were all the love given to their country, no OUR COUNTRY. Their only ambition was to get freedom from British rule. They didn’t just think of it and leave it away like our modern society, but they struggled for it till they reached their goal. Their words and actions were clear cut.

They didn’t wait a minute for the Britishers to conquer our beautiful country. Nowadays we are depended on others for our survival. We always say if he or she will start then I will continue. But if we say about our past; if it was this case we would never get independence, but those days each and every one would take initiative to save our country. Remember our ever favorite Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of Nation? He took a great pledge on the very fine day, after he came back from Africa that he will kick off all the British men from our great country. Thus he started his actions and that actions made followers (these days we say “fans”) for him and all of them together brought independence.

Those days every person took responsibility to become a leader and each ones dream and ambition was that to save our country and grab freedom and they did it. Yes they saved our country and brought Independence. Now let us salute our Great Nation and believe in ourselves, so that, we would bring brighter world tomorrow.

Anakha Vinod
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