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Being a Woman of the Society

Lakshmi Nanda Madhusoodhanan Thursday, June 7, 2018
Being a Woman of the Society

Isn't it very difficult being a woman because of this judgmental, dominating society? We have been complaining and talking about gender equality for generations. But shouldn't we give it a second thought? Are men only the problem? Even women give trouble to other women as a mother, a neighbour, a colleague, an aunty, a sister etc.

The gender discrimination starts at home itself. For example, if a family has a daughter and a son, when the guests come the mother will say the girl to do everything like clean the dishes, make tea etc. But the son is not asked to do anything. After the son grows big he will be dependent on his wife even for cleaning dishes. If you ask the mother why she is doing like this, the mother will reply that the whole society does it like this. But, they don't know they are the society.

If a boy cries, we tell him not to cry like a girl. Here a stereotype is created. But then in some houses there is no discrimination like this. If someone says, don't cry like a girl in my home my mother will be fuming mad.

In a work place or school, there will be a girl or a woman who is very successful. But her colleagues green with envy will spread bad things about her and try to tarnish her image. It is once in a blue moon that a colleague goes and appreciate her for her work. She would be in high spirits if they would just go up to her and cherish her.

In this society if a girl dresses up in a modern style like wearing a tank top and the strip of the bra is seen or wearing a crop top, it is like the earth will fall now. If 4 inches of the hip is revealed while wearing a saree no problem, but if 2 inches is revealed while wearing a crop top it is a big issue. This makes a girl to wear half of the things what she wants to wear, fearing the society.This all happens because of ego we cannot stand if a girl is better than us. Just think why we can’t just stop this all for once.

Lakshmi Nanda Madhusoodhanan
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Monday, June 11, 2018
Dear Lakshmi,
I am glad that at this very young age you are not only giving this subject a thought but have attempted to articulate it too. I encourage you to understand this subject much more so you will know that the problem is not with ''men'' or ''women'' only but our social arrangements that are patriarchal (male centered/power rests or tilts towards men). You will be surprised to know that men are the biggest victims of patriarchy as you have even mentioned in your article ''boys don''t cry''.
Keep voicing your opinion towards creating a gender sensitive society. Best of Luck ! God bless you dear.

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