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Benefits of Fasting In Holy Ramadan

Lakshmi Nanda Madhusoodhanan, IIK Young Reporter Thursday, May 2, 2019
Benefits of Fasting In Holy Ramadan

Have you ever thought whether fasting can have bad effects on human health or what is the use of fasting? Although millions around the world have practiced the divine fast of Ramadan, many people fear that fasting can have bad effects on human health. If you are one of those worriers, you should probably read this to change your mind set about fasting.

We all may think that weight loss is one of the thinkable results of fasting during Ramadan, but there’s also a whole host of healthy changes going on behind the scenes. Ramadan is a perfect time to leave your bad habits, whether it is smoking or avoiding sugary foods as they shouldn’t be indulged during Ramadan and if you avoid it for a long time, your body will get slowly adjusted to it.

The other advantage of fasting is that it helps the body to produce more brain cells, thus improving brain function. It is claimed that by not eating or drinking throughout the day your body will be offered the chance to purify your digestive system during the course of Ramadan. Surprising, right? Well, not only that by not eating throughout the day in Ramadan, makes your metabolism more active thus helping to absorb nutrients easily.

Not only it has beneficial health effects, it can also change a person’s eye view. Fasting throughout the month helps the people to understand the value of food and have an empathy to their fellow beings who have gone through pain.

We all are distracted to something or the other while doing something. But guess what? Fasting in Ramadan helps to have self-control, because while fasting it creates control and alertness which makes it easy for people to give up their bad habits during this month.

As fasting forms one of the five key pillars of Islam, fasting during the month of Ramadan is mandatory upon all capable Muslims. Be faithful about what you wish to attain and always ensure that you are in the right emotional and physical mind set to be able to gain the full benefits of fasting.

Have a blessed EID to all the readers!!

Lakshmi Nanda Madhusoodhanan
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Express your comment on this article

Saturday, May 25, 2019
Nice explanation for the value of Ramadan. God bless you Thank you.

jannat singh
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Very informative article. basically i am also not eating, smoking or snacking with my colleagues during ramadan and that really feels rejuvenating and feels in the evening that i am lighter and have accomplished something by refraining myself.

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