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Dangal - A movie with down to earth

Surya S. Prakash Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Dangal - A movie with down to earth

As I sat watching the movie popping popcorn with intermittent sipping of hot cappuccino, I began taking in every bit of the movie - the credit goes to the storyline and the beautiful performances of the main characters: Mahavir Singh Phogat (Aamir Khan) his young daughters Geeta (Fatima Sana Shaikh) and Babita (Sanya Malhotra).

The muscular body of Amir Khan in the first few minutes of the movie and then bulky body with protruding tummy in the remainder of the movie just goes to prove Amir Khan is indeed a perfectionist. His moves during the wrestling are a treat to watch- just professionalism to the core. He literally stole the show with his tremendous acting ability

As younger daughters of Phogat the girls did a marvelous job keeping up the tempo. The subtle jokes they were playing, the innocence they forayed was a treat to watch.

The grown up daughters exhibited such acting skills that they more or less matched with the mighty Amir. Their moves during training, their facial expressions during a match is something out of this world.

The final match between Geetha Phogat and the Australian wrestler was shot beautifully and what a finish with the rainbow throw- shot in ultra slow motion that built up so much of tense in the audience - when Geetha caught the Australian wrestler unawares and three her backwards. I had goosebumps developed all over my body.

This movie is a giant of a movie celebrating womens' power. It's a fitting tribute to the greatness of women.

Simply put Amir has done it yet again.

I recommend Go and watch the movie yourself. At least we come back home with a message, our hearts content that our intelligence was not hurt in any way.

A down to earth movie.

Mr. S. Surya Prakash is General Manager of MEMOC Kuwait and also a passionate mentor for both adults and children in art of public speaking. He has conceived and conducted many programs for school children in Kuwait to showcase their public speaking talents on a wider platform. He is NACE (US)/AMPP (US) Certified instructor in his professional field and a TMI (US) certified Competent Communicator in Public Speaking
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