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Dhanashree: A Rising Star in Rhythmic Expression

IIK Staff Reporter Monday, March 25, 2024
Dhanashree: A Rising Star in Rhythmic Expression

At just 12 years of age, Dhanashree is already making a name for herself in the world of rhythmic gymnastics and cultural dance. Her vibrant energy and dedication shines through as she balances her academics with her passion for movement and artistic expression.

Dhanashree’s journey began at Carmel School, Kuwait, where she discovered her love for arts. As a rhythmic gymnast, she wields hoops, balls and clubs with precision and grace. Her performances are a result of never ending commitment and the artistry she brings to the gymnasium floor.

Other than the Gymnastic arena she is also a cultural dancer, gracefully blending tradition and modernity.Whether she’s performing classical dances engulfed in heritage or experimenting with contemporary styles, she celebrates the rich tapestry of Indian culture. Her movements tell stories of centuries-old traditions, while also embracing the vibrancy of the present.

Dhanashree embodies the essence of youth and promise. Her passion for movement is infectious, inspiring those around her to appreciate the beauty of artistic expression.

IIK had the privilege of sitting down with this rising star to discuss her passion, challenges, and triumphs

IIK: What do you enjoy most about gymnastics?

Dhanashree: There are so many things I love about rhythmic gymnastics! I really enjoy the challenge of combining athleticism with artistry. It's like being a dancer and a superhero at the same time! I also love the feeling of accomplishment when I finally master a new skill after lots of practice.

IIK: Which gymnastics skill or routine are you most proud of showing?

Dhanashree: Right now, I'm most proud of my hoop routine. The hoop flows so beautifully, and I feel like I've really captured the expression and movement I wanted to convey. It took a lot of practice to get the throws and catches smooth, but it was totally worth it!

IIK: How do you handle pressure during competitions?

Dhanashree: Competition pressure can be tough, but I've learned a few things to manage it. First, I take some deep breaths and remind myself of all the hard work I've put in. I also visualize myself performing a perfect routine. Focusing on the performance itself, rather than the outcome, helps me stay calm. Finally, I remember to have fun!

IIK: A challenging moment during practice or a competition and how you overcame it.

Dhanashree: There was this one time during practice where I just couldn't get the toss for a ball move right. I kept dropping it, and I started to get frustrated. But my coach reminded me to stay positive and break the move down step by step. We practiced the toss separately a few times, and then I tried the whole routine again. It took some patience, but I finally nailed it!

IIK: What's your motivation to keep improving?

Dhanashree: There are so many amazing gymnasts out there, and watching them compete inspires me to push myself further. I also love learning new skills and seeing how much I can progress. It's like a fun puzzle, figuring out how to move my body in new and exciting ways.

IIK: How do you balance school, training, dance, and other things?

Dhanashree: It can definitely be busy sometimes, but I make sure to manage my time well. I schedule my training and dance practices around my schoolwork, and I try to be really organized with my homework. Sometimes I have to make sacrifices, but it's all worth it because I love what I do.

IIK: What's your favorite gymnastics memory so far?

Dhanashree: My favorite memory was probably when I traveled with my team and coach. I won first place in the competition last year. It was such a great feeling to share that victory with all my teammates who had worked so hard alongside me.

IIK: How do you support and encourage your teammates during training?

Dhanashree: We're all like a gymnastics family! I try to be a positive cheerleader during practice. If someone is struggling with a skill, I offer encouragement and remind them of their strengths. We also celebrate each other's successes, which keeps the atmosphere motivating and fun.

IIK: What safety precautions do you take during practice to prevent injuries?

Dhanashree: Safety is super important in gymnastics! We always warm up thoroughly before starting any routines. My coaches also make sure we use proper technique to avoid straining any muscles. We also use knee pads for high-impact moves to minimize risk of injury. By following safety rules, I can keep practicing and improving without getting hurt.

With her unwavering dedication, boundless energy, and love for her heritage, Dhanashree is poised to achieve great things. She has already won accolades in various competitions across this region including the 2023 rhythmic gymnastics competition held in Jordan. Whether she graces international stages or continues to captivate local audiences, one thing is certain: this young individual is a rising star destined for greatness. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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Odattil padmanabhan
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Congratulations on your perf

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