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Diwali-The Gleam Of Diyas,The Echo Of The Chants

Aaisha Thamanna,IIK Young Contributor Saturday, October 22, 2016
Diwali-The Gleam Of Diyas,The Echo Of The Chants

Diwali recognized as the festival of lights, crackers and sweets is one of the most dazzling festival celebrated in India. Diwali or Deepavali which means Row of Lamps is a religious festival of Hinduism, it spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. Its celebration includes millions of lights shining on housetops, outside doors and windows, around temples and other buildings in the communities and countries where it is observed. The festival preparations and rituals typically extend over a five-day period, but the main festival night of Diwali coincides with the darkest, new moon night of the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartika in Bikram Sambat calendar. In the Gregorian calendar, Diwali night falls between mid-October and mid-November.

Diwali is celebrated by all the Indians even the non-residents of India traditionally all over the world by organizing Diwali parties, Cultural Programs, Rangoli Competitions, Bursting Crackers, Visiting Temples, Conducting Pujas wearing new clothes and of course lighting Diyas

Gift exchanging is another custom of Diwali, it accelerates the feeling of love, bonding affection and appreciation, conveying good wishes, respect and blessings for the dear ones. Since Diwali is also a religious festival sending gifts also symbolizes one's prayer to the almighty for the prosperity and wellbeing.

Sweets and decorative will be produced at houses and gifted as a token of love

Diwali decorations are another mesmerizing part of this magnificent festival. Diyas adorn every corner of the house on this auspicious day. Rangoli, Floating Candles. Floral Diyas, Flower Decorations, Lanterns are all some of the best way to decorate the houses.

A diya or an earthen lamp is synonymous to the festival. Diwali is touted as a festival of lights, however colors also play a big role in this festival. Rangoli is a timeless tradition that is followed all over India. Rangoli also known as Aripoma, Alipana or Kolam is an ancient art.

There is also a custom of exchanging sweets to friends and neighbours in Diwali. Kaju kallinga, kaju katlii, ladoos are some of the mouthwatering sweets served in Diwali day.

People believe that on Diwali day, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth comes home in the form of money, gold, gifts etc. Therefore, shopping for Diwali festival is the inevitable for people in India. Diwali shopping includes Diwali gifts, Diwali dress or clothing, ornaments or jewels, Diwali puja thali, decorations etc.

Diwali is really a fabulous festival and fireworks play a significant role in increasing its charm among all age-groups. Whether they are kids, youngsters, or older people, everybody enjoy the fireworks like twinkling Anars, furious Rockets, vibrant Sparklers,

cyclonic Ground Discs and so. However, there are some environmental issues associated with the use of firecrackers or fireworks on the Diwali festival, still there will be no exaggeration in saying that fireworks are an inherent part of Diwali celebrations. But safety measures for bursting crackers etc. are a must

1. Clothes
To avoid any accident with fire it is recommended that you wear cotton clothes and stay away from synthetic material.

2.Quality of crackers
You must purchase firecrackers from legal manufacturers and ensure that you go through the instructions before actually bursting them. Good quality firecrackers reduce the risk of a dangerous mishap.

3. Instructing children
Before taking your children out in the open to burst crackers, it is highly important for you to instruct them about the usage of firecrackers and educate them about the appropriate ways to do so. Supervising them while they are having a fun time with crackers is of utmost importance.

4. Fire extinguisher
Having a fire extinguisher in close proximity to the area where you are bursting firecrackers is very essential. Even a bucket of water or sand would be useful to tackle an unexpected fire.

5. Closed areas
It is critical to note that you must never burst firecrackers in a closed area. Doing so can lead to a massive hazard in case of fire breaking.

6. First Aid Kit
A first aid kit should be a handy while you or your kids are enjoying the fireworks. In case there is a minor injury, it can be treated immediately at home.

7. Discarding used fireworks
Dispose of the used firecrackers immediately and carefully. You can either put it in a bucket full of water or put sand on them in order to put out its heat.

8. Candles and Diyas
Diwali is all about beautiful candles and diyas spreading their light and happiness. However, keeping lit candles and diyas at home can cost you dearly at times. You must make sure that there aren’t any curtains or inflammable materials close to them.

9. Pet Safety
Pets are a part of the family for animal lovers. But Diwali can be an agonizing time for the animals due to the extreme noise all around. Try to sensitize your pet to the noises by playing similar sounds beforehand. Also, try not to leave your pet alone and do keep them away from firecrackers.

10. Sensitivity
It is important to celebrate festivals with utmost sensitivity and care. Using firecrackers that do not create a lot of noise can be the first step towards being sensitive to your fellow neighbors and friends. Too much noise pollution can be harmful for everyone, especially senior citizens.

Spread happiness this Diwali and celebrate this beautiful festival joyously with your loved ones and keep them and yourself safe.

Let this diwali burn all your bad times and enter you in good times.....Happy Diwali

Aaisha Thamanna
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