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Sandra Santhosh,8-G, IES - Kuwait. Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Paulo Coelho once said, “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”

By dreams, I don't mean the dreams we see in sleep. I mean the dreams that are with us when we are awake, the things we wish to accomplish. That is, a goal.

Everybody has a dream. It could be becoming a scientist, or an engineer, or maybe a doctor. Something they want to achieve, something for which they'll do the best they can do.

Without a dream, life has no purpose. It's a dream that helps us look forward to the next day and spend our time productively. Without a dream, we're essentially drifting, with no thought of the future. Accomplishing a dream, reaching that milestone we set for ourselves, that is what gives us satisfaction and pride. Dreams are the fuel that keeps us moving in life.

Dreams are what make people successful in life and every famous person has had that goal they strived for. Dreams provide motivation and they are what keep pulling us past all those obstacles when it feels like hope is lost.

But it is not enough to have a dream and then to forget all about it. We have to work for it and then only will we receive the fruits of our hard work.

When aiming for a dream, we should never allow failure to put us down. We should constantly strive for victory. Dreams let us progress and improve ourselves. This is very important in life.

To accomplish a goal, we must first have one. Then, set milestones. Visualize this as a staircase, with the steps being the milestones and the top being your dream. For example, if you want to be a scientist, first think about what kind you want to be, and then learn that branch of Science properly. Focus on completing school, which is the first milestone. Then take the subject required in 11th standard and complete them (the next milestone). In this way, it will make a huge task into accomplishable smaller parts. Don't slack or put off setting them for later. Having an idea will make the goal easier.

I want to become an author, so I’m writing short stories and poems and finding out what it takes to get stories published. Through IIK, my few articles and poems have been published and a part of my dream has been accomplished. This opportunity has given me the inspiration to write more. Completing a long-time dream is tough, but it is worth it every step of the way.

A dream helps us plan for the future, but at the same time, we should not completely focus on a dream so much that we lose sight of the present. If we don't live our life, our present, when we have it, then we'll regret it later.

So start today, everybody. If you don't have a dream, then get one! If you have a dream, then work an extra bit harder from today onwards to accomplish that goal. Accomplishing your dream is similar to archery; keep your eye on the target and you'll get it.

Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and written by them; the author is solely responsible for the content in this article. does not hold any responsibility for them.

Sandra Santhosh
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