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International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

Jovi Gomes Monday, June 11, 2012
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

William Shakespeare once said “The silence often of pure innocence persuades when speaking fails”.

Its was on the 19th of august 1982 when the united nation’s general assembly paid their grief to all the children who lost their innocent lives during the Israel’s act of aggression and hence decided to commemorate june the 4th as the international day of innocent children of aggression, ever since then campaigns have been held all over the world not only on this very special day but also on various other issues where innocent lives of children all over the world have been taken and for what? Just because one nation doesn’t agree with other or just because of dictatorship.

Well I decided to write on this special event because I too have seen or heard of different cases all over world of small little angels loosing their lives for no good reason and I don’t only speak of war I speak for al those who are victims of abuse and aggression, as they did not deserve this. As I said in my earlier article titled “Equality” aggression and abuse are not the key things one needs for a healthier life and mind you it not only affects the victim but it also affects the doer, so why do we do such things why are we all trying to prove that we are superior to one another, what is it that one gains from such behaviour?

We as adult always tell the ones smaller to us to stop bullying, it’s not right to bully someone innocent and weak, instead encourage them and whatsoever possible to make them stop it. I know I have been told a lot as I go to a convent school and I was told that if were not to stop we would be punished as it was a great sin. But I ask you’ll this isn’t abusing infants and also killing them for no good reason not a form of bullying?

Finally I would like to end my report with a poem


“It is colder now; maybe morning will come, numbing cold about

Explosions closer now, too late for the day, the walls moving in

Another explosion here, the walls are blown away, bright flashing heat

Nothing to worry about, I rise up into the night.

I’d cry if I could, mommy and daddy where are you?

I bet I can find them, mommy and daddy where are you?

I am crying no tears.

I see them now, there they are, free too from all body pain

Think about it, we’re all war children, freed to play another game

But why must we die? We had a nice game

Mommy and Daddy, and I was baby Jane.

Do the bad always win? Do we have no voice?

They kill for profit and power, it seemed we had no choice.

Speak up loudly now, no more tears in the dark

Unite into a strong group, peace must be agreed.

Singer lead the way, unite us with your song

Lead us to peace, together we are strong!

No more war children for Earth

It hurts to remember those nights.

Too many walls gone, far too much fright.

No more crying. No more dead war child.”

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