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Jai Hind !!

Varshni M K Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Jai Hind  !!

26th January , a beautiful day indeed . A day in which the Indian Constitution came into force . A day when the people of India danced with joy . A day when the young and the old where filled with happiness . A day when Mother India was completely peaceful .

Hi my dear readers once again ,

Have you got ready for a wonderful masti this Republic day ?

What are your plans ?

You might know how hard Mahatma Gandhi , Mangal Pandey , Bhagat Singh and many other important leaders sacrificed their lives for gaining independence . Through their struggle Mother India had achieved her freedom from the British rule on 15th August which we call as the Independence day .

26th January , was chosen to honor the declaration of Independence of 1930 . It was a day in which the Indian Constitution came into force . It is one among the three national holidays of India .The main parade is held at New Delhi ,at Rajpat before the President of India . Celebrations are also held at state level , where the Governor of the state unfurls the national flag , in case he/she is unwell or unavailable for some reason ,then the Chief minister of the state unfurls the Indian flag .

It has been 64 years since the Indian constitution came into force .

Awards and medals of bravery are given to the people from the armed forces and also to civilians. Helicopters from the armed forces then fly past the parade area showering rose petals on the audience. School children also participate in the parade by dancing and singing patriotic songs. Armed Forces personnel also showcase motorcycle rides. The parade concludes with a "fly past" by the Indian Air Force, which involves fighter planes of flying past the dais, symbolically saluting the president. These leave trails of smoke in the colors of the Indian flag.

All the offices ranging from National , state and local government ,

Post offices , banks and most business are closed on this important day .

The Republic Day of India shows the true sprit of the Independent India .

Lets join our hands and take an oath to keep our Mother India free from all hindrances.

Once again my heart most Republic day wishes to all of you !!!!

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Varshni Murali Krishnan
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