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Teachers' Day - A History

Sandra Santhosh Thursday, September 3, 2015

Teachers' Day... A day to honor and encourage the contributions of those people who guide and mould us for our futures... Teachers. Even though the dates may differ, the spirit of this day is the same.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, academic philosopher and the second president of India, told his friends and students who wanted to celebrate his birthday that "Instead of celebrating my birthday, it would be my proud privilege if 5 September is observed as Teachers' Day." And in honour of his request, 5th September was made Teachers' Day in India, being celebrated from since 1962.

Now about the main point of the day: Teachers. Teachers fulfill many roles together, as well as preparing students for the outside world in various fields. They are so capable and such an important part of a child's life as they greatly contribute to the development of a person. In every country, the new generation is the future, and teachers are the ones who make sure the children grow to become an asset to the society. Many students are inspired by their teachers, and the students' interest in a subject shapes their career.

During Teachers' Day, special celebrations are conducted in various educational institutes to honor Dr. Radhakrishnan. In most schools, senior students take up the role of teacher for a day and teach the students, by which students can learn how it feels like to become a teacher. Various activities and programs take place, like feasts and reunions between teacher and student. Usually, students give gifts to their teachers to show them how much they love and respect them.

In my school, we celebrate Teachers' Day with senior students dressing up and replacing the adults as the teachers and students doing various programs like singing, dancing and playing skits as a tribute to the teachers, prepared by the students alone.

As every one of us has been a student be it in the past or present, Teachers' Day holds something special for all of us. May we all be able to honor our teachers no matter in which part of India we are on this day.

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Sandra Santhosh
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