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Thank you, Kuwait, for taking life back to normal

Reshmi Naveen Gopal Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Thank you, Kuwait, for taking life back to normal

It was a February and we were in a hala mood, though the media were bombarding with news stories and pictures of the dead, crowded hospitals and more from other nations of the world. Some of the expatriates, including our friends have traveled for a week. Suddenly the world came to a standstill. The national day celebrations were called off and in march the country was put under lock down. The front door of the house only opened to the corridor of the apartment that lead to staircase and the couple of elevators. Suddenly, the world came to a standstill. Many lost their family members and they were buried followed by the stringent rules. However, slowly and steadily, Kuwait has curbed the pandemic after vaccinating 85% of population against the deadly virus. It is one among the few nations that fought the disease with utmost perfection.

I remember, how well the social advertisement about the importance of hygienic practices and social distancing equipped the public in their struggle at the initial stages. The people became so accustomed to follow new rules and regulations to avoid the contractions with the patients, though many were infected. The hospitals were all full-fledged in treating them carefully. The health workers worked hard and they had to take up responsibilities over than their scheduled duty time. Most of them were infected and, unfortunately, some lost their life. It is noteworthy that the Emir himself extended his gratitude to each of them and the government accoladed them with benefits. Thanks to them. Without the governmental support and the dedication of the health and social workers, we could not have fought the disease.

No sooner, the vaccination drive was rolled out. Thanks to the scientists and all the forces who worked behind the medicines. Contingents of Oxford- AstraZeneca and Pfizer arrived. The registrations for vaccinations started and the first, the second doses and the boosters soon reached every person living in the country, with no discrimination and free of cost. The clinics were all set with the best of infrastructure and workers. The expatriates from various countries always felt home in Kuwait. They have got all the benefits par with the citizens.

The airports were also open in the beginning for the emergency and fully after one and half years. The decision has helped some of the expatriates stranded in their homeland return to Kuwait and join back to their job.

The schools, however, continued to run online until September 2022. The teachers, students and the parents coped up with the new normal of learning. The schools and the colleges researched a teaching tool and adopted a method as early as possible. They were put into force meticulously. The support of the ministry of education has been so instrumental in the teaching process. The hybrid classes that commenced after the summer vacation have become a breather. The expats and the citizens are always put under their comfort as they could choose their mode of learning. The children could continue to be online or offline according to their will. However, the schools followed all the precautions to keep the children safe.

It is also remarkable that Kuwait has been a helping hand to other countries at the time of crisis. They have also aided many countries in acquiring vaccines and medical equipment.

The last two years were a journey filled with hopes and finally, we have touched another February. The nation has crossed all the levels of opening successfully. The plans were systematic and the implementation were with less flaws. Now we stand at a juncture where the government has lifted almost all the restrictions. Hundred percentage of work force return to their offices and the schools will soon return to offline mode of teaching completely. The vaccinated and non-vaccinated can go public places alike. There is optimism of taking off masks from our faces. We will again gather, hug and celebrate.

Reshmi Naveen Gopal is a freelance writer. She is a post graduate in Communication and Journalism. She has worked with main stream print media and online journals. She has been a faculty in communication and journalism at a couple of colleges.
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