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The Great India

Sandra Santhosh, IIK Young Contributor Tuesday, August 4, 2015
The Great India

India, a country located in South Asia. What, you say, makes this country so special that it was chosen out of about 194 countries? Well, to begin with, it has been invaded more times than we could care to count from different countries. The reason mainly being for its vast resources of indigo, dye, gold, silver and other precious commodities. India, no matter how many times it has been invaded, never let go of hope to escape and rise again. It kept its unity, as seen when the British tried to make Hindus and Muslims in West Bengal fight each other, the key word being 'tried'. At the same time, it never launched a full attack on any country with the aim to conquer it. Of course, various conflicts have occurred between India and Pakistan, China and other countries, but India never sought to conquer them. India only fights when its territory is being invaded. India is a peace-loving country and our ministers and presidents make sure that it continues to be.

The greatest lesson India taught to the world through its various struggles of freedom in the form of revolts, rebellions and revolutions is to never give up and do what you say you will do. Think about it for a while. Even if some Indians gave up in the face of strong opposition, many others continued to rebel and turned into revolutionary figures for others to gain hope from, few that come to mind immediately being Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Jawaharlal Nehru and Bal Gangadhar Tilak. The second one, do what you say you will do, is self-explanatory if you look at the actions of the revolutionaries of India. During the time of British India, Mahatma Gandhi told his followers to go with him to the town of Dandi, near Surat, which was on the Arabian Sea coast, to break the salt law made by the British. When they were going to be caught, Gandhiji did not back out. He continued to do what he said he would, even if it came at the price of him going to jail with his followers.

These two lessons are important in our own lives itself. Think, how many of us say that studying for the tests is so difficult? Well, if we put in a little more effort, it wouldn't be so difficult for us, right? How many of us say that we will get full marks in our exams but don't fulfill it? Well, just work harder and stick to your word and you can do it. I hope that the lessons that India taught the world will be remembered by all of us for the years to come...

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Sandra Santhosh, IIK Young Contributor


Sandra Santhosh
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