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This Is My India

Jovi Gomes Tuesday, August 14, 2012
This Is My India

Long time ago, not so long in the past,

I remember my mother told me that we were ruled by the “British Empire”.

A lot of changes were made she said, our forefathers had no freedom she said,

We worked under them my grandmother would say, and could never do what we pleased my father told me,

But one day would come our forefathers said, that this country would be free and alive once again,

Misery would vanish and Happiness would prevail, they said.

No more crying, no more death, no more struggle for a minute of breath,

Everything would be ours and we would own it they said,

And yes, that day came, and the “Messiah” my mother told me came, to save his nation and lead it to freedom from misery and sadness,to a world of freedom and happiness,

His name she said would astonish everyone, as they sang praises of him and asked God to be by his side,

I asked my mother who was this man, she said my son his name was Mahatma Gandhi, a man of pure wisdom and patience as well,

He took the challenge and lead on his clan, fights and struggle did prevail, but through it all he made it, as his dream was to turn real soon,

He said my people we shall fight no more, but instead be patient and calm and let go of all that has happened in the past,

And move on, with a positive mind and a spirit filled with faith and hope, they marched their way on.

And then in 1947 they reached their destination, a country that was free and happy once again,

Blessed in abundance by the Lord Almighty, and this day was marked as the day of Independence.

Every year this day would fall on the15th of August,

And on this joyous day we Indians, my mother told me, would pay our homage to all the freedom fighters of our beautiful country, who lost their lives for the one reason we all live for, that is the essence of FREEDOM.

So my dear son she said finally, This Is My India, and I too am proud to be an Indian.

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