Summer time, Summer Job……

Jovi Gomes
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Well all of us look forward to a beautiful summer vacation, one which consists of adventures, new experiences, visiting new countries, or probably even visiting families back home.

Some of us even might have stayed back in Kuwait and, might have had to spent our holidays at home or, at a summer camp or probably get ourselves busy with some courses, for those who really want to ,or have to improve in their studies probably joined tuitions, well that’s what I usually heard my friends talk about, those who would stay back in Kuwait, when we would meet up after summer.

I too had to stay back, couple of summers, and well did almost everything all my friends did, or I would just chill out at my place or with friends at malls, beaches, anything actually to just cut time and wait for school to start.

But last year I decided to take up a summer job, it wasn’t my first time, I had taken up a summer job the year previous to that but, I was late so I joined just towards the end of it.

I was so thrilled with what I got to experience that year, I decided I would take up a summer job the next year and I did, I got to teach at a school back in India, well I loved art and my aunt was an art teacher so she got me into her school and, I worked for about a month there and what I gained from that experience, was quite thrilling I would say, it was really nice to interact with little kids and I really enjoyed it , well of course I was paid, money wasn’t what I really was expecting, actually I was told it was a volunteering job and usually as far I as I know volunteering work isn’t a pay thing, so I was excited when I did receive it and it was a nice feeling to have earned something on my own.

This year I volunteered to teach or I could say help at my own school in April and well this time it was much more fun, as I had some of my friends too join me and I really had a nice time, plus I did make some money, and it also helped me kill some time, well that lasted for a month after which I tutored kids at home, teaching kids math and science could be a little challenging but I took it and well they and I had a good experience and that’s how I have spent my summer holidays so far.

The reason I decided to write this article is because I wanted to tell my younger readers, that summer vacation isn’t only about traveling if your in search for a new experience or at least a new adventure, you can get all of that right here in Kuwait, that is if you’ll are stuck here for the summer and if you think about it you even can make some money , rather than joining those various courses or any other type of classes to enhance you skills, this is one too is really a nice thing to do.

To all my parent readers, pleases do not get offended or angry, I have written this article only with the intention of getting all my young friends mature you could say, and maybe even learn the worth of money and how hard do you’ll work on giving us the best of things, as well as it’s really a good experience, one in which your child gets to meet new people, mingle with a better crowd or rather a mature crowd and really it can affect their attitude to everything , well it did change my attitude I really understood the worth of money and hard work as well as made some lovely friends and had a great time over all.

Well what I talked was about teaching, but doesn’t only have to be that I know a few friends who have worked at a food joints , some at banks, some in their own mother’s and father’s offices.

So, what I really would like to say that it’s not only about traveling across the world, just because your on a holiday, one could even make their summer time special while at the same county they are residing at. So yes, my dear friends sign up for summer jobs and if you’ll haven’t had the chance to try it this year well you’ll have next year.

So Happy Holidays have fun for the next month and a wonderful year ahead, thank you.

Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and written by them; the author is solely responsible for the content in this article. does not hold any responsibility for them.This article is solely written by the author for IIK Young Reporter Program. eat


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