Young Reporters’ Awards Nite

Vijay Anant
Monday, May 6, 2013 (IIK) presented the Young Journalist Seminar on Thursday, 2nd May 2013. This two hour Young Journalist Seminar started at 6:00 PM at Salmiya Indian Model School (SIMS).It was a wonderful seminar with nearly 250 to 300 people attending it. This seminar was an eye-opener for the budding young reporters. The program started with the impressive talk by Mr Surya Prakash, who gave a wonderful description on how an article has to be written and advised the children to remember certain points before writing an essay or an article.

The important points mentioned by him were as follows:

1. Start with free mind.
2. Don’t think about marks, number of words etc.
3. Describe the event with the proper date, venue, time and the name of the chief guest etc.
4. Include the words spoken by the chief guest in your article.
5. Give a brief description, why the event was conducted and about all the other minor events like cultural programs etc. which were included in this big event.
6. If you are describing or interviewing a famous personality start with a Quote and follow a Timeline.

He gave many important tips and conveyed these ideas to the kids by using simple examples like that of writing an essay on Taj Mahal and an interview with A.P.J . Abdul Kalam etc. He was marvelous.

Then the stage was captured by an other eminent personality Dr Navniit Gandhi, she was indeed very convincing in her speech and told the children about the different fields of journalism and explained the ideas of journalism by stating the example of the world renowned journalist P.Sainath.

She added that the success of a journalist lies in his sincerity, dedication and his true desire to help the society. She mentioned that journalist could be of different types like sports journalist, jewelry journalist, investigative journalist etc.

She said that in today’s world media plays an important role and hence journalist are the main people, who bring and project the news to the common people and they are also well paid these days. The field which is attracting many youngsters these days is Economic Journalism as it deals with finance, economy and business.

She concluded by saying that a journalist’s role in society is crucial and he is link between the people and the government. She advised the young aspiring journalists to be sincere to their work.

The whole event was compered by Soaham Guha and Immanuel Adriana Rakshana

The program then continued after a short break ,by two rocking dance performances by the talented kids of the dance troupe Dancing Divas.

This was followed by a mesmerizing power point presentation by Vijay Anant, which depicted his wonderful journey in IIK as a Young Reporter. He was outstanding in his rendering.

This was followed by the awards ceremony in which badges were given to Young Reporters who had successfully completed 5 articles and a certificate of appreciation was given to the Young Contributors.

The ceremony came to an end by awarding medals to the 5 nominated best Young Reporters and in the end FAIPS-DPS was awarded trophy as the school had the maximum number of young reporters.

Immanuel Adriana Rakshana was declared the best reporter of the year 2011-2012 and was presented with a Laptop and a Trophy.

The main sponsors for this great event were Gulf mart, American Tourister and Faber castell.

It was a memorable day in an IIK- Young reporter’s life.
n me

Vijay Anant
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