SBA organized Life after Death Workshop

Sunday, December 21, 2014

An intensive one day course on the journey of the soul from the grave to its destination - heaven or hell, was conducted on 5th December 2014 at Masjid Al-Kabeer. The salient topics covered included, different phases of a soul's journey from the grave to its destination, based on the deeds performed in this world.

The highlighted examples included the life of Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) and his companions to draw attention of the audience to the intricacies of Islam and the prescribed way of life, and that of peace, and being beneficial to mankind.

The workshop was attended by a varied and large group of diverse audience of multiple faiths.

The workshop was organized by Indian Muslim Welfare Association (IMWA) in cooperation with the Islamic Center of Kuwait (ICK) in collaboration with Standard Bearers Academy (SBA), under the auspices of Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs and Administration of Grand Mosque, Kuwait.

Shaikh Mirza Yawar Baig, who conducted this workshop, is a renowned International speaker and corporate consultant for various multinational organizations. Shaikh Yawar will be conducting a five day residential program on Leadership Excellence (LEC) in Kuwait in the last week of February 2015, with a theme of "Lighting up the world by igniting minds".

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