Closing ceremony of “Ente Malayalam – Malayalam Padana Kalari 2016 by OCYM

Monday, July 25, 2016

St.Thomas Orthodox Christian Youth Movement organized the closing ceremony of “Ente Malayalam – Malayalam Padana Kalari 2016” in a traditional style. Program held at St.Thomas Indian Orthodox Church Ahmadi on 21st July (Thursday).

The event was inaugurated by Fr.Jobi Varghese, Mr.Sherin Daniel (OCYM Secretary) welcomed speech, Presidential speech was delivered by Mr.Vinodh Varghese (OCYM Vice president), Mr.Anu padathara (Church Secretary), Mr.Benny Varghese (Church Trustee) were made their presence to mark the event.

The event was beautified by Video (made by Mr.Shiju Betty Nevin) to know the Kerala tradition, culture, Varies art forms etc. , Mrs.Merlin Lejoe Babu beautiful anchoring, Mr.Boban John (Program Convenior) “Kavitha” was a new experience to children and won the hearts of the audience.

Program Convenior Mr.Boban John gave the vote of thanks to teachers, students and entire St.Thomas Orthodox Ahmadi church members.


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