Former MP suggest to cancel residency of expats above 55 year old

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Former MP Abdullah Al-Tamimi indicated that he will focus on ‘expelling’ expatriates who have been in the country for a long time if he win the parliamentary seat in upcoming election to Kuwait parliament, reported local daily Arab Times. According to Arab Times daily, he promised to protect Kuwaiti citizens and their interests if he wins a parliamentary seat.

The daily also reported that, if win the election, he will work on the demographic structure of the country and he suggested to cancel the residency of expatriates once they reach 55 years old except for those with rare fields of specialization such as judges and doctors.

He argued that many Kuwaitis have specialized in other professions so it is no longer necessary to hire expatriates for such jobs. He added the next government should understand this development in order to provide job opportunities for Kuwaitis and the children of Kuwaiti women married to non-Kuwaitis


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