Bhavans Kindergarteners Toy Story on Toy Day

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

“Toys are children’s words and play is their language.” – Garry L. Landreth

Nothing more can fascinate, nothing more can speak the mind and nothing more can bring a cherry smile than a toy.

Children learn by playing and toys are the instruments that allow them to discover the world they live in.

Toys improve the abilities and skills children need to prepare them for life.

Apart from motor skills, emotional, social and cognitive development, toys provide plenty of enjoyment and happiness to children.

The kindergarteners of IES and J&J Mangaf celebrated Toy Day on May 4th 2017.

The bulletin boards were decorated with toys that transformed the tiny tot’s world into that of a wonderland.

The children were asked to bring their favourite toy and the morning saw an assortment of colourful models making their way to the classes.

Prototypes of cars and aeroplanes kept the boys busy fancying they were actually driving them, while the girls found themselves indulged in the splendour of their dolls and its apparels.

Group photos were clicked with the bulletin board as the background and the tiny tots posed and smiled gracefully with their toys held high.

The tiny tots of UKG came forward to speak elegantly about their toys while the LKG children too managed to say a few lines when prompted.

The highlight of the day kept the children on their toes when they were assisted in making an elephant origami.

The playtime seemed endless as each toy had its own story to tell which rightly justified the popular saying – “So many toys but so little time”.

It was time to wind up but the little hearts couldn’t curb their curiosity – “Could I bring my toy again tomorrow?” was the million dollar question reverberated across the corridor

All being said it would not be wrong to say that children don’t need many expensive toys to play with. The best toy a child can have is a parent who gets down on the floor and plays with them.…….One needs to ponder on these lines…..


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