Bhavanites Connect with Nature on World Environment Day

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

On the occasion of World Environment Day, Indian Educational School (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan) Kuwait celebrated the significance of the day by organizing a variety of programmes. The whole ambience sparkled in resplendent green. The day started with a morning assembly by the primary kids clad in green with the mantra of ‘go green’, and the school auditorium eventually transformed into a green paradise. Mr. T. Premkumar, the principal, Indian Educational School addressed the students and teachers emphasizing the importance of making our planet healthy and beautiful for the inhabitants. He ended his speech with the Osage saying, “When the last tree is cut down, the last fish is eaten, and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money.”

All the pedagogues were clad in green and the pupils were seen sporting green wrist bands to mark the occasion. The Supreme Council members led by the Head Boy and the Head Girl repeated slogans to save the environment and gave suggestions to make the environment clean in all the classes. The result of the ‘Best out of Waste’ campaign rolled out along the corridors in the forms of creative wonders as children displayed the useful items they had made from trash. A short film making competition organized by the Eco Club of Bhavans on ‘Save Nature’ turned out to be the highlight of the day as the prize bagging films had the touch of class that even the Clint Eastwoods and Spielbergs of the world would take pride in. Gayatri Rajeev & Malavika Krishna of Grade 9, Shubham Gupta & Team of Grade 10 and Nityansh of Grade 7 won the first, second and third prizes respectively. Mr. T. Premkumar, the principal appreciated the initiative taken by the Eco Club and exalted the creative efforts of the budding directors. These short films were played in all the classes in the morning and the directors received plaudits of their peers. The celebration ended with a procession by the office-bearers of different clubs voicing volumes of concern on the harmonious existence of living beings on our beautiful planet earth, and urging the new generation to fight the harmful agents that tarnish our environment.


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