Monthly Meet of Writers’ Forum Kuwait

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The atmosphere was one of in-depth involvement, as the members of the Writers’ Forum of Kuwait (WFK) sat together and listened in rapt attention to the creative articles and poetry penned by its members.

At the residence of its new members—Mrs. Preeti Rajgolikar and Milind Rajgolikar, the members of WFK met for another evening of literary exchanges on September 15, 2017. ‘The platform of WFK continues to infuse meaning and substance into its most-cherished principle of Unity in Diversity’, opined Umesh Sharma– a well-known poet in Hindi, in his Presidential remarks at the meeting. Chaaya Thakkar, who writes poetry in Gujarati, was the Chief Guest for the evening.

The ambience was sparkling with literary quips, comments and discussions, as the members of WFK shared their original works in varied Indian languages. The first session comprised the story /article reading session and Nazneen Ali read her story: Across the Borders, in English. Afroz Alam, an Urdu poet, presented an Urdu article titled: Urdu Mushaira and Ana Dehelvi.

In the second session, beautiful and stirring poetry flowed for about an hour and half, as the members regaled those present, with their unique styles and emotions-- woven into words. Preeti and Milind Rajgolikar recited their respective poems in Sanskrit; Madhulika Mohta, the newest member of the Forum and Rajesh Verlekar recited their poems in English; a rhythmically metered and lyrical Tamil poem was rendered by Satya Narayan; while Maimuna Ali Chougle, Ibrahim Sange Raja, Afroz Alam and Ameeruddin Ameer recited in Urdu. Dr Radhika Bhardwaj and Vinay Purbiya recited their poems in Hindi. Other attendees included Mr. Ali Chougle, who too joined in the literary discussions.

The President for the evening- Umesh Sharma then presented his poem in Hindi and expressed his pride and joy at being a member of a truly unique entity that WFK is. The WFK is in its 23rd year of working, and probably one of its own kinds where a member can express himself or herself in, listen to and appreciate the beauty of all Indian languages. The Chief Guest of the meeting had to leave early to fulfil some impending matter.

The hosts were thanked for their gracious hospitality.


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