Amendments to residence Law referred to Fatwa and Legislation Department

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Khalid Al-Jarrah has approved the executive regulations of the Foreigners’ Residence Law and referred it to the Fatwa and Legislation Department to prepare the legal text before issuing a ministerial decree.

The amendments include granting multiple visits to businessmen to facilitate the entry and exit process, to encourage capital and economic movement in the country, so that visitors can frequently visit the country at intervals according to the validity of the visa that is granted to them.

The validity of such visa will be one year, so that the businessman can enter and exit Kuwait multiple times during the validity of the visa.

Director-General of the General Department of Residence Affairs Talal Ma’arafi added the amendments include granting entry visas to students from other countries who wish to complete their studies in private universities in Kuwait according to applied mechanism to encourage attracting students from other countries and to encourage the national economy.

He added graduates of Kuwaiti universities have the right to work in the private sector because they have become familiar with the Kuwaiti society and its customs and traditions during their education period.


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