New department to handle indirect traffic violations

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Traffic Department established a new office to summon those who commit serious ‘indirect’ traffic violations.

The ‘indirect violations’ are those which are recorded by traffic camera or by senior ministry officials in which case a motorist is not stopped while the offence is being committed.

The official affirmed such violators will be obliged to hand over their vehicles in accordance with Article 207 of the Traffic Law, which has been widely activated.

This office will summon the violatros in case any violations are recorded by traffic camera. The violators will not be able to process any documents at any government office if he/she refuses to answer the summons by the office.

This office also inform parents of the serious traffic violations committed by their children to help them control their behavior and take effective part in correcting this behavior with active participation with the General Traffic Department.

In case if the violator cannot be reached by telephone, the office will send a notification to the home address of the offender.


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