Railway Board chief inspects flaw detection machines' working

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Railway Board Chairman Ashwani Lohani on Wednesday inspected the working of USFD (Ultrasonic Flaw Detection) machines at the New Delhi station and exhorted staff to ensure no failure of railway assets.

"The staff must rise to the occasion to eliminate failure of railway assets so that Indian Railways is able to improve its services," Lohani said while interacting with the grass-roots staff to know first-hand their experiences and feedback on the use of USFD machines.

He was accompanied by Northern Railways General Manager Vishwesh Chaube.

Lohani suggested that vehicle-mounted USFD machines be made available to enable their movement on tracks faster.

USFD is widely considered one of the best machines for non-destructive testing of railways.

During winter months, fracture in tracks due to cold are common occurance.


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