SIS Stations the Words on Stage

Monday, January 29, 2018

To dramatize the plays on stage and to explore the sublimation of fantasies that playwrights underpin in their works, Smart Indian School traversed an yet another step of venturing into “Drama and Theatre Competition” on 23rd and 25th January 2018 by grades 7 and 8 respectively in the school auditorium.

The budding theatre artists in themselves - our beloved students of grade 7 took the plays they had come prepared for in a way that was well construed and palatable to present it to the spectators. The class was divided into 4 groups which had different essences to talk about that culminated in highlighting the truthfulness, propriety shown towards oneself in behavior, sincerity and empathy. The enactment led the audience in awe and to witness their zeal to be the patrons of art. The plays left a realizing message and at the same time exhilarated the viewers to laugh uproariously to the life the players had managed to bring on stage. The sprightly movements, invented narrations, supplying voices to the narratives and meeting the needs of a play in terms of props were all the wonders of that day. The two groups that bagged positions were applauded for their wondrous outcome.

The students of grade 8 grouped into two teams diverged into American experimenter of allegory and symbolism, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Great Stone Face”. The message on the story’s symbolism in the notch, humility of the protagonist Ernest in quest of the long unanswered prophesy and the longing to behold the prophesied hero in spite of the hurdles were some of the greatest values the great literature had bestowed to stretch out to players- the students, on stage. The keynote of the enacted short story had persuaded the viewers to instill more of the love towards the reading of the magnanimous works of art. All the features of the performance had brightened the sunshine they had in store with them. The second day of the competition ended by leaving grade 8 to await for their results. The organizer the English teacher Ms.Daisy thanked the Principal, Mr. Mahesh Iyer for supporting the various forms of competitions that are added each day for students’ nurture.


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