RSC conducted KNOWTECH – The innovative Technology Expo

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

“KNOWTECH” – The Knowledge and technology expo intended to explore, promote and share the trending innovations in knowledge, Technology and Science organized by Risala Study Circle (RSC) was successfully conducted at Salmiya on 6th April 2018.

“KNOWTECH” is an innovative movement from RSC in expats community focusing students, professionals and general public with the most modern innovations in various fields to enhance the personal and professional life. The events were categorized to share the vast advantages of IT & Software Applications as Software Tutorial, to introduce various courses which would help to land in dream job as Horizon, Employability skills seminar that would make people smart on their professional life, Life tips, Science book review, Science show, Book shelf, Edu expo, and many more.

Jleeb central won the first prize on the competition followed by Farwania central among the five participated centrals in Kuwait.

The event specially honored Dr Abdul Razzak Rumani, Ex-Chairman – Institution of Engineers Kuwait chapter and the Author of a handful of reference books on Engineering & Construction field with the KNOWTECH award by considering his great achievements, leadership qualities and determination to serve society in the field of Engineering and Technology.

The closing ceremony was inaugurated by ICF Kuwait National General Secretary Adv. Thanveer Umar with the esteemed presence of Abdul Hakeem Darimi. The ceremony kick started with the warm welcome speech of Eng. Aboobakar Siddeek and signed off with great impacts on the audience by the vote of thanks by Shihab Vaniyannoor with the enlightened presence of Ahmad K Maniyoor, Abdullah Saadi Cheruvadi, Shukoor Moulawi Kaippuram, Abdullah Vadakara, Alavi Haji Vengara, Sadik Koyilandi, Jafar Chapparappadav, Rashid Cherushola.


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