Kerala Government's newly constituted Loka Kerala Sabha nominated members from Kuwait

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Kerala Government's newly constituted Loka Kerala Sabha nominated two as standing committee members from Kuwait, Thomas Mathew Kadavil, a prominent migrant activist and social worker is nominated as a member of Migrant's Law, Welfare and Women Committee and Sreemlal Murali Migration Administration and Kerala Development Fund Creation Committee. Seven subject specific standing committees are constituted by the Kerala government with the task to integrate Kerala's diaspora to achieve a healthy and symbiotic relationship for effective redressal of issues of mutual importance. These committees are entrusted with the task of preparing the detailed report in the sector they are involved with and submit the same to the Kerala government. In the concluded Loka Kerala Sabha several worthy suggestions emerged in the social, economic, cultural and science and technology sectors and the government wanted to make use of these proposals to the benefit of the Kerala diaspora and the state.


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