Salmiya Indian Model School organized trip to fire station

Monday, December 24, 2018

Salmiya Indian Model School organized a trip to the fire station for the kids of the KG section. Bringing about awareness on fire safety, and getting the students to know and interact with the firefighters who are always willing to risk their own safety for others was the main agenda.

Students got to see and explore the inside of the fire truck and the various equipment used by them. The students were excited and attentively listened to all the details of how the firemen help those in need.

To make it fun the kids were allowed to use the watering hose and wear the jackets and helmets. The firefighters explained to the kids how and what they should do in case of a fire. The experience was informative and memorable.

The kids went back home with gifts and lots of lovely memories thanks to their new heroes – the firemen.


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