KOC delivers Home Safety Awareness in Bhavan’s SIS

Monday, December 24, 2018

The first ever workshop from Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) had recently taken place in Bhavan’s Smart Indian School on 16th December, 2018 under the skilled exponents of Directorate of Health, Safety and Environment. The workshop took place in the auditorium and around 40 students gathered for the awareness session. The session was organized under the initiation taken by the department of Science of Smart Indian School.

The workshop was graced by the team members of Kuwait Oil Company which included Mr. Mastan Shaik - Senior safety engineer, Mr. Aji George - Safety engineer and Mr. Yousef Al Khayat - Safety engineer. The attentive audience of the day were the students of grade 8 who were enlightened on Home safety awareness where the concept was bifurcated under Fire safety and Electrical safety. The practical side of the safety in each day’s proceedings were highlighted by the engineers who headed the session. Mr. Mastan Shaik led the presentation with a vivid portrayal of the essentialities that are required in keeping our homes safe.

Students keenly participated in the session and gathered all the information needed for their personal safety. The questionnaire time led to the students’ interaction with the officers in the form of queries. The special gesture was also seen in the form of gifts distributed to the students by the KOC team. The school Principal honored the guests with a memento as a sign of respect. The group photo session was arranged where the frame included the team, students and the management. Principal, Mr. Mahesh Iyer thanked the team for allotting their time in updating the students with the most essential information.


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