IBPC Honors Academic Excellence at Meritorious Awards Ceremony

Monday, April 22, 2024

The Indian Business and Professional Council (IBPC Kuwait) held its esteemed 'Meritorious Awards' function at the SIMS school auditorium on the evening of April 20, 2024. Dignitaries, school principals, students, parents, and IBPC members attended the event along with a large crowd of guests in the auditorium, while hundreds more watched the event on the live streaming on IBPC YouTube Channel.

The ceremony began with the traditional lighting of the lamp by the Indian Ambassador to Kuwait, H.E. Dr. Adarsh Swaika, alongside IBPC executive committee including Mr. Gurvinder Singh Lamba - Hon. Chairman, Mr. Kaisar Shakir - Hon. Vice Chairman, Mr. K P Suresh - Hon. Joint Secretary and Mr. Sunit Arora - Hon. Treasurer.
The event was notable not only for its punctual start but also for its robust attendance. The opening was further graced by the national anthems, sung by Master Rohit, also a student, first Kuwait and then India.

Mr. Sunit Arora, the director of the event, extended a warm welcome to the guests and shared the history and significance of the awards. He detailed the rigorous selection process and criteria used by IBPC to honor the outstanding academic achievements of students from Indian schools in classes 10 and 12. The awards highlighted IBPC’s commitment to promoting educational excellence among the Indian community.

Mr. Gurvinder Singh Lamba inspired the audience with a keynote speech that provided a success mantra for the young scholars. H.E. Dr. Adarsh Swaika captivated everyone with a motivational speech, emphasizing the importance of not getting demotivated if the students worked hard but could not qualify for the awards. He also inspired children to participate in making India strong by moving towards ‘Viksit Bharat.’

The ceremony was successfully hosted and conducted by selected students themselves, to ensure the event was centered around the children. This year, 134 students met the high standards of qualifying 95% and above at CBSE board for both 10th and 12 standards and were honoured at the event. Among them, four gold medalists and three silver medalists received not only medals but also cash prizes and shopping vouchers.

Indian Community School won the trophy for the 12th standard and the 10th standard trophy was taken by The Indian Education School (Bhavans) this year. Their victories were met with resounding applause and cheers, underscoring the community’s support and pride in their achievements.

The evening concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Suresh KP, Hon. Jt. Secretary, who expressed gratitude to the chief guest, the IBPC Education & Career Guidance Committee, partner IIT IIM, other sponsors, and all attendees for their support in making the event a super success. The ceremony not only celebrated academic achievements but also fostered a sense of community and inspiration among the Indian diaspora in Kuwait.


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