Children and road crossing

posted by A parent on Monday, March 5, 2012

It was only God’s grace that averted a disaster this morning. I urge parents who are reading this to take more care while sending your tiny tots to school. Please don’t attempt to cross a road at the junction. It happened just before United Indian School; the junction from where you have to turn to reach the main road. Since there was only one vehicle coming from ahead, Husband moved forward and that is when a man with a couple of kids came dashing across. If it was not for the sudden breaking, I cannot imagine what unhappiness it would have created for ourselves as well as others. This man had a small child each hanging on to both his hands in addition to bags plus there were three more tiny tots around him. It was a little girl who dashed ahead but was saved in the nick of time. Since this man was also half way across the road he must have stopped mid way to check the traffic coming from the other end but failed to give instruction to the kids hovering around him.

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