A person paid advance to buy my vehicle now he is not responding to my calls or messages

posted by Harrison Monteiro on Monday, October 7, 2019

I had put my accident motorcycle up for sale earlier this year. I was selling it for 600kd, an individual wanted the bike and said he would buy it in Jan, he didn’t give any advance or nothing, later in June he said he wants it again and paid me 400kd as advance for it. And said that he will pay the remaining 200kd when we meet to transfer. I called him up multiple times, but he never answers the calls or messages. Mid September he says that he doesn’t have the cash and he will pay up end of the month. I clearly mentioned to him that I can’t wait any longer as I am paying the garage to park the bike there and I am losing prospective buyers and the date for daftar renewal is coming closer. So I told him if he doesn’t pay the amount by the end of September then I will put the bike up for sale in October 1.

He didn’t reply for that. I messaged him on Tuesday again asking him whats the update and how much longer would he take. He did not respond to that too.

Now I have a customer who wants to buy the bike for lesser but I feel I might as well sell it. But my question is, after over 3 months of advance being paid, and the wait, am I liable to refund him the advance he paid?

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