How to Change Address in Civil ID

posted by P P on Thursday, May 30, 2024

Required items:

1. Wasika Document
2. Original Contract
3. Photo of PACI number outside door
4. Last 2 rent receipts
5. Civil IDs of sponsor and dependents
6. Paspport of sponsor
7. If photo in Civil ID is too old, then a photo that matches Passport photo

Step 1: Take above items to QPoint typing center (Salmiya 10/12). They will type individual forms for sponsor and dependants.

Step 2: Take appointment from Meta:

Step 3: Take print out of appointment and keep with you. (REQUIRED!)

[I took my appointment at Liberation Tower at 12pm and crowd was minimal. Park in souk behind Liberation Twr, walk around to front (main road signal). Second floor, straight in front as you come off the escalator.]

Step 4: Security will check mainly wasika and other papers and give token.

Step 5: At the counter, she will again check details of Wasiki in the system and put forms in PACI envelops. Address will be changed immediately in MobileID and she may or may not tell you to upload new photo.

Step 6: After around 3 hours, go to PACI site and check Civil ID status and pay KD5 for sponsor and KD 0.250 for sponsor and dependents (this is PACI envelop charge).

Step 7: If photo upload is required, go to PACI website, E-Services > "Non-Kuwaiti Photo update": . You need to upload your Passport Scan and a photo scan that closely matches the photo in the Passport. If you are not able to get SMS confirmation, it is because your SIM is a corporate line and PACI is not able to deduct 0.500 fils from it. Enter any personal SIM number. Once done, it will take around 3 working days for your Civil ID to be ready for pickup.

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