fraud happened in viva connection.

posted by Vijayan K on Monday, June 24, 2019


i am writing this for one my friend. he was working in KGL till january 2019 and he got release and joined in another company. last week he got a call from viva that there is due in bill payment for him. the same day 4 of his friends also got the same call and they contacted viva office.
the viva representative shown them the contract in their names. as per the contract each one is purchased latest iphone and some other accessories. and the monthly installment is 145kd/- .
they informed viva that its not done by them the signs were different . even there is fingerprint in the contract. then the viva advised them to go legal.
i heard that the same fraud happened with viva before 2 or 3 year back and one of the association done the help to solve this issue. if anybody knows about it please advise.
and please contact him on 96632317 his name is Sanath. the only option is go for if they go legal what are the formalities to solve this issue.
The surprise thing is that all these 5 peoples were worked in KGL and they filed case to get the release.

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