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American Army base intends to Next Gen Air Traffic Control Radio Replacement by the company contract

# 2730880 6/29/2024 11:04:10 AM - 56- Kuwait City

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American Army base intends to Next Gen Air Traffic Control Radio Replacement by the company contractor
Dear Contractors,
The American base operations camp intends to participate in the subject tender by contractors, so send your best quote to the American base directly.
 Please be informed that the Bid submission deadline date is July 28, 2024

 This is a golden opportunity for all company contractors so Kindly share with your friends and business circle, please.
Scope of Works:
Assured Airspace Access Systems is seeking information from interested companies with the capability to deliver approximately 2,500 separate radio transmitters and receiver units to replace existing air traffic control air-to-ground devices. The Next Generation ATC Radio Replacement is planned to start as soon as 2027.

The existing ATC radio solution is out of warranty in 2025 and is not natively networkable. Therefore, the Army intends to move forward with a Next Generation ATC Radio Replacement acquisition.

The Next Generation ATC Radio Replacement is planned as a non-developmental effort, based on existing and emerging technologies. The Next Generation ATC Radio Replacement acquisition is expected to be a full and open competition.

The final procurement quantity is under analysis and will support approximately 80 Army aviation locations, The Next Generation ATC Radio Replacement will provide a life cycle of 20 years with sustainability.

Planned Production: Production of the Next Generation ATC Radio Replacement is desired to begin no earlier than 01 Oct 2027.

Delivery Period: Delivery of Next Generation ATC Radio Replacement is desired to begin as soon as possible after contract award and continue at a rate up to 500 radios per year until all radios are delivered.

Invite quotes from company contractors so kindly share this information with your friends and business circle. You must register with US Base to participate in all tenders, I can help you to register with US base operations in Kuwait for that my charge is 350 kd. as a consultant. Those who are serious contractor personnel only contact me. This is my mobile number – 65683075 (including WhatsApp) and you may contact me by email at [email protected] always.
Regards, Arokia – 65683075

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