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Gladys Karen
(1 articles published)

My name is Gladys Karen. I am an 11 year old studying in FAIPS-DPS. I love to draw and write comics. My sister and I are absolute cat lovers who own the most adorable cat in the world. I also adore comic books and have quite a huge collection of them. When I grow up, I wish to be a famous author and Illustrator.

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Article posted By Gladys Karen
Things to do this summer
Are you tremendously bored during this summer? Have you run out of things to do? Here are 5 WAYS to beat the heat and enjoy yourselves thoroughly! ...

IIK Young Reporter

IIK introduces a unique program “IIK Young Reporter” to encourage the writing skill for the young students from the community. Any student with a passion for creative writing and a little bit of interest in journalism and community activities can be a part of this program. Student from 6th standard to 12th standard studying in Schools here in Kuwait can be a part of this unique program. Click Here to register.

Noel Sajan
Environment Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices. It was established by the Uni...
Gladys Karen
Are you tremendously bored during this summer? Have you run out of things to do? Here are 5 WAYS to beat the heat and enjoy yourselves thoroughly! ...
Leah Ann Saji
A fatigued body and mind, yet not ready to give up. As what to earn is much more valuable than to give up. Sometimes the hurdles will try to ...
Ann Treesa Tony
“Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.” As we grow older, our life gets difficult which is true but worth enjoying only if one finds t...
Shiven Rojasara
Indian Sports has a rich and diverse history that dates back thousands of years. The country has a deep-rooted connection to sports and physical ac...
Ameya Hari Bhaskaran
In a world filled with thousands of concerns, sometimes we need a bit of peace and tranquillity. During our trip to Gujarat, we had a lot of fun, b...
Ayman Muhammed
Dark and hidden, but always within, Always with you, like your twin. No matter who you are, and what is in you, I will always stick to you like ...
Reema Jafar
Jessica Mastriani (or Jess as her friends call her) is a teenage girl, but most definitely not an ordinary one. She spends her leisure time picking...
Shiven Rojasara
Badminton has always been a popular sport around the world, with players from different countries showcasing their skills on the court. Among these...
Parmesh Rajendrakannan
Similarities between Hindu and Greek mythology In Greek mythology the gods were born from one giant and a giantess similarly in Skanda Purna ,Parv...
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